
DE Pietro's NY Pizzeria and Owner Paul

Of course the Monster claims the owner Paul is a drunk, because that's his MO. More libel...... What a jerk monster. the pizza at DE Pietro's NY Pizzeria is very good and all the reviews of their food reflect that.

N.Y. Pizzeria, No Longer The Best

I'll be the first to admit, it's been quite a while since I spoiled myself at N.Y. Pizzeria but to be frank, they're well out of my way and I just haven't had the chance to drop in.

That being said, we happened to be in Fruitland Friday night and when we were driving home my Wife said, let's get a Pizza from N.Y. Pizzeria.

We pulled in and I have to admit, I was excited to get one of those Bronx Bomber Pizza's with the works. We happen to enjoy the one with the Ricotta Cheese, N.Y. Sausage, Garlic, MMMMMMMM!

We walked in and the first thing we noticed was the filthy floors. The place just didn't look very clean but we ordered the Pizza anyway. I said, give me that monster sized Pizza with the sausage, ricotta cheese and garlic. It came to almost $26.00 but I always say, if it taste good, who gives a crap what you're paying.

After waiting and sitting around looking at the filth everywhere, the pizza came in a box with a strip of tape across the top to seal it. We left thinking, man, I can't wait to dig into this thing. We got home and without any hesitation I cut the tape and opened the box.

Wait a minute, NO GARLIC? NO SAUSAGE? Just a plain white pizza with Ricotta cheese? $26.00!!!!!!!!!!!! I should have known better. The BRONX isn't what it used to be and neither is N.Y. Pizzeria!

They can call me and tell me they'll make it up to me, NO THANKS PAUL. I spoke to several people since last night and they said they regularly get deliveries with no sauce, "we''ll get you next time," they claim you say. They had a great thing going but for $26.00 we'll order 2 extra large pizza's from Delmar Pizza and actually ENJOY what we get.

Stay off the sauce too Paul, if'n you know what I mean.

1 comment:

  1. Monster quote: Wait a minute, NO GARLIC? NO SAUSAGE?

    Comment: If you looked closely Monster, Paul had that garlic tied on a string around his neck, in hopes of warding off, a lying assed Monster and other evil beings like yourself. And just where Monster, did you intend to stick that big fat sausage? Don't answer, let us guess.
    This was one of the reasons, that they were NOT in your box. The secound reason is moronic Monsters like yourself never seem to get the picture, that they DID NOT want the business of some sick preditory Monster. Their prayers have apparently been answered.


This site is for the targets of the monster in Delmar. We will tolerate no negative personal attacks on any of them. If you want to comment to support them, that is welcome. You may not like all of them but that is not the point. The point is to show the malice and evil the monster has done and to collectively support his random targets. No gossip and no unkind words regarding any of these people will be published. The one exception of course, is the monster himself.