
John Robinson

This was another tough one. Like many others, when searching Joe Albero's blog for posts he's made on John Robinson, it spans DOZENS of pages of attempts to try to defame a local business man. I couldn't figure out where to start. Many posts involve his children, his business, and just ridiculous defamatory subject matter, so I decided to use this post below which shows how petty and vindictive Joe Albero is.

FUJA is right.

John Robinson Makes The News AGAIN Today!

Finally legal after almost a year, John Robinson finally got tags on the vehicle that had been sitting in their parking lot for almost a year illegally.

HOWEVER, Do YOU know what FUJA stands for, just above the tag. That's right, on his business truck he's clearly advertising F-You Joe Albero. NOW THAT CRACKS ME UP!

You want to make stupid moves like this John Robinson and get all over the news, you got it. Just Google the John Robinson name in a day or two or wait a minute, let's not forget to mention Robinson's Jewelry & Clock Store so Google picks that up too, you'll get exactly what you deserve.

I'll bet more people see this than your stupid little advertisement just over your tag. That being said, (Bronx accent included) FUJR! Know that I'm sitting here cracking up over this. The power of the Blogs.


  1. Let me clarify something... PLEASE!
    My vehicle was legally tagged and insured the entire time.
    This was just another LIE by the great JOE ALBERO

  2. If you prefer to write your own statement about the monster creep, please do so and it will be changed to whatever you like.

  3. FUJR? Lousy attempt. FUJA just has a nice ring about it.

  4. Hey John, He's got you on the front page again.
    Now, regarding how much gold your buying.
    He's getting really desperate to pick another fight with you.

    As for the list of victims, lets not forget the smear job Joe did on the teacher at The Salisbury School and the allowing the most atrocious comments. Joe forgets everyday that in America one is innocent until proven guilty. And when it was found that Mike Lewis lied Joe didn't have the balls to say a word about it.

  5. Do you recall the name of the teacher?

  6. I can't remember her name. She was the one who was accused of having an affair with her student.

  7. May, 2009 was a busy month for Albero. I couldn't even get through half of it.


This site is for the targets of the monster in Delmar. We will tolerate no negative personal attacks on any of them. If you want to comment to support them, that is welcome. You may not like all of them but that is not the point. The point is to show the malice and evil the monster has done and to collectively support his random targets. No gossip and no unkind words regarding any of these people will be published. The one exception of course, is the monster himself.