
Roberta Wexler Introduces Joe Albero

Speaking for herself:
email Roberta at


We Are Not Victims But Survivors

I have had many people email me or talk to me in person and say I think you need to change the title of that blog to Survivors of Joe Albero's attacks because almost every single one on here has done just that..survived these repeat assaults on their family, character or careers. When you call them a victim it is as if you are saying Joe took something from them, which in turn implies he has some power over any of these lives listed which we know he does not. If you made the list we want to congratulate you on surviving and showing the world Joe has no impact on your life and hold your head high as a Joe Albero Survivor


Over 150 Assaults and Counting....

As of today we have over 150 people and establishments featured from the monster's hit list and there are still more...

Be sure to visit all the pages. Use the search feature to your right, to look for your name, your family, friends, associates or businesses that the Monster has waged war on.

This site is not to further victimize the people listed here, it is only intended to show the wake of destruction created by a monster for so many and to shine some sunlight on a very deep dark place. After some quick research and a lot of input from those who have been attacked by the monster, Joe Albero, it is already apparent that his reign of terror in Delmarva is wide and deep and those that he has maliciously and obsessively attacked are many. Within just a few days of the inception of this blog we have listed over 150 upstanding and decent people who have been libeled and smeared by this monster and his cronies. Yet, there are many more. Each person here has a family who has also been effected by this monster. Children have been hurt. Husbands, wives, parents and siblings have been damaged by the terror this monster has brought on their families. This Monster, Joe Albero needs to be shunned by this community and stopped from further harm to the people on Delmarva.

As we collect the information and list the victims and or targets here, the pages of this blog will grow. Be sure to look through all the pages and decide if you want to do business with any of the people who fund this type of malice, as if it were OK. These business are listed on the page that is tabbed at the right above the email listed for this blog. Please look to see who is giving money to, or supporting a local terrorist.

The madness must end.

Perhaps one day we can all have a convention and figure out our strategy for a Class Action law suit.


Please Contact Us If You Want To Be Listed

I haven't spent as much time working on this site as other people are but since my name is attached I have received several emails from people that simply want to forget about their victimization by Joe since they have moved on with their life, and want any post regarding them removed. Please, my friends, all the people working on this site are in no way trying to hurt you by bringing this up, and are just using it as an example of his nasty deeds. I do want to offer if you do not want yours listed please just email us.

However, all victims names will remain and we reserve the right to paraphrase the original sin committed by the monster. With everyone together (now over 130 targets and growing) no one should be afraid. If you would like to write what you would like said, in you defense, or state something positive about yourself, we'd be happy to post that as well.


Part 2 Of How It All Began

With Barrie Tilghman now his main target he then gets into a war with everyone Barrie Tilghman has hired including Chief Of Police Allan Webster who saw Joe as the pathological Liar he was from the beginning. Joe begins the Chief Jack and Coke line of posts along with the insinuations that Barrie Tilghman is breaking the law with getting illegal work done on her property by City employees, this leads to lawsuits by both of them against Joe.

During this time frame a new thing develops called an "anti-albero blog" several people notibly Karen Wells from the Off The Cuff Blog, Joe Perdue from Salisbury Soapbox and Susan Rainey from A Class Act. These blogs started letting people know about the lies and misinformation that were being spewed on sbynews. These people immediately became targets for Joe as he could not stand the truth getting out as he preferred being the only blog telling people what to think. It wasn't just an attack on the people but their families, their income and anything else he could attack to bring them down including threats of lawsuits, criminal charges you name it. Most of these blogs shut down because of this which made Joe feel like he could do that to anyone else that dared challenge him.

The really strange event that most people don't realize is that John Robinson and Joe were good friends during the 2006 beginning of 2007 area until the day that John had Jim Rapp on his radio show and didn't allow Joe to call in and to act the ass toward him on the air, this made John an enemy for not allowing Joe his public payback of the man he felt was responsible for Jennifer losing her job.  From that point forward it was an all out hate fest between the two. That is what it is like to be a friend to Joe, if you don't do exactly what he thinks you should he will turn on you immediately.

It was also during this period that Joe found his love for the fire department. Remember anyone that was a friend of Barrie Tilghman=enemy in Joes mind. Bill Gordy had parked his car while on official business in a metered spot downtown in early 2007 and when Joe happened by and saw the meter had expired in his sick mind he had a gotcha. He finds out the car belonged to Bill Gordy who also happened to be Gary Comegy's treasurer for his campaign, well from that point on you know the history, daily Gordy this Gordy that attacks. He also begins attacks against Bill Gordy's son Jeremy all because of who Bill was friends with and an expired meter.

part 3 soon


How Did It All Begin?

Well from many years of being involved in the blogging world and being public enemy number 1 in his book, I have gotten to talk to lots of people who have told me the story of Joe and how he became the monster we all know now.

Any discussion of this must begin at the Salisbury Zoo where it all originated from. Jennifer Albero worked there and had some issues regarding Jim Rapp then Zoo Director. Jennifer ends up losing her court case against the zoo and her job which in turn sets the animal off within Joe. He decides he will document the zoo every inch of it looking for illegal activities to get back at them for dare messing with his wife. This began in 2003  click here for Jennifer's Issues

His In-laws live next door to of all people Debbie Campbell so he gets to know Debbie very well on the trips to the Goetz household. Debbie of course has issue with many people in the City so a common bond forms. Debbie shares her tales of woe regarding Mike Dunn, Barrie Tilghman, Lynn Cathcart and many more actually too numerous to a phonebook with Joe. Albero of course likes to be made to feel important so this figures prominently in his defense of Debbie Campbell.

Well in the mean time issues at the zoo intensify so Joe sets up a meeting with Barrie Tilghman regarding them, when Barrie Tilghman doesn't nod her head and agree to Joes demands she becomes public enemy #2 behind Jim Rapp. Debbie has huge issues with Barrie so she sees an ally in Joe, someone that can go about attacking for her but give her the plausible deniability so she looks innocent of any misdeeds, and Joe has no problem with said arrangement.

He already has a criminal record including battery on Sharon Gravel which he was put on probation for in 1991. In 2003 as stated a temporary peace order was given to Jim Rapp to keep Joe from harassing him, also Mary Seamann. Karen Jones not only filed a temporary peace order but was granted a full one to keep Joe away from her for 6 months. Those listed above are all zoo employees.

While in this war with the zoo other enemies now make his radar. He starts coming to Salisbury City Council meetings to annoy Barrie Tilghman and others such as Mike Dunn and Lynn Cathcart.Why do you ask, well it's simple in Joes world. Debbie dislikes the victims and in Joes minuscule mind because Barrie Tilghman is on his shit list anyone that is friendly toward her is also an enemy. This includes the Chief Of Police Allan Webster. This is in the same days as Joes famous " waste of sperm" email to Barrie Tilghman.

End of part 1


Craig Jahelka

I received a couple of phone calls moments ago telling me that Craig Jahelka just announced everything is fine on the Eastern Shore.

Well, I wouldn't fall for this crap Folks. I wish things were better for every one, believe me. However, (IMHO) there's NO WAY businesses are up 7.5% over last year. Every restaurant owner I've spoken to is crying the blues, (a figure of speech). You know the old saying, don't piss on my head and tell me its raining. It should end with, by Craig Jahelka.

GA Harrison Stalks Kris Adams

This grossly obese man is GA Harrison. Allegedly, he is unemployed and works for Joe Albero to attack various Wicomico county citizens.

Recently he admitted to stalking Kris Adams' house on Camden Avenue in Salisbury. He took pictures in and around her property at the bidding of Debbie Campbell who lives next door, making accusations that Kris Adams violated construction laws, when she had some repairs done to her property.

The usual petty personal attacks on Kris Adams and her family continued for many days and it would seem that GA doesn't take it quite as well as he gives it, as he took offense to someone calling him a "fat slob."

GA Harrison wrote:

Here’s the context. On Friday afternoon we ran a post about work being done at 807 Camden Avenue. This property is owned by Kris and / or Kevin Adams or one of their companies. I know we weren’t inaccurate and I don’t believe that we were disparaging of the Adamses (unless accurate reporting is disparaging). However, this is the comment Joe Albero received on Friday:

f*#% you ga you fat f*#%ing slob leave us alone

The grammar, the syntax, the style … all indicative of a university graduate. I’m willing to bet that his came from an Adams, but not Kevin or Kris.

Granted, I’m a tad large, but I don’t appreciate the slob part. But as they say, opinions are like a&&holes, everybody has one.GA Harrison wrote

Don’t the Rules Apply to SAPOA Members?

Over the last several months we have seen landlords such as Mitchell David and Salisbury Area Property Owners Association (SAPOA) president Kris Adams appear before the Salisbury City Council and praise city agencies such as Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance. It struck us as a little odd. For years the city government, and this department in particular, were public enemy number one amongst the SAPOA crowd. Maybe we can glean a little understanding from recent events.
For those that don’t know, Salisbury councilwoman Debbie Campbell lives at 809 Camden Avenue. A few months ago 807 Camden (next door to Campbell and her family) was purchased by Kevin and / or Kris Adams or one of their companies (SDAT records do not show the property transfer at the time of this post). Given that Campbell has been a vocal opponent of many SAPOA practices over the years, many have anticipated some fireworks.
Well, Fourth of July may be approaching fast.
The Adamses recently brought in some contractors to do some work, including concrete work. You will notice from the picture above that there is an absence of permits.
We first became aware of the work being done when it was mentioned that the Campbells’ retaining wall had been damaged by the concrete contractors.

Old Mill

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Old Mill In Delmar Is Nothing Like It Used To ...":

I heard you posted this. Go FUCK YOURSELF! HaHa, I was told you were here, and gave you exactly what you received, because I knew nothing good would come from it. Wish you knew what else was on your meal. The laugh is on you! If no-oen else ever gets you, I DID! Did I say pay backs a bitch!

Moving forward, I was the only one who chose to order All You Can Eat Crabs. Not once did they bring me a full tray of crabs. It was a small basket of crabs and I'd have to wait for more. The Waitress would come around fairly frequently but what blew my mind after knowing I was paying $34.95 for my meal she'd say, WOULD YOU LIKE MORE. HELLO! In my honest opinion she should have brought them out as fast and as often as possible until I said I've had enough.

As for the quality of the crabs, they tasted like vinegar and very bland. There was Old Bay on them but they must be cooking them so fast these days nothing sinks in, flavor wise. When your paying $34.95 I expect one hell of an experience and I truly cannot believe Eastern Shore resident tolerate such crap. Maybe there's so many come here's that they've forgotten what good crabs are all about. One thing I can assure you of is, I get the best crabs of the year whenever I go to one of those fundraisers where the crabs were cooked earlier and the old bay marinades into the meat.

I would expect this kind of crap in the transient atmosphere of Ocean City, not out in the boonies where we know how things are made here on the Eastern Shore. I'm constantly amazed at how many vehicles are outside this restaurant on weekends, especially in the middle of the summer.

So all in all the cost for four people to eat dinner ran us about $150.00 total. Two of the meals were 8 oz steaks, again, a complete joke, especially for the price they were charging. Hard seats, people almost yelling at most of the tables, you know, a complete redneck environment where most just wanted to be recognized. Some bitch about little kids making too much noise in a restaurant but in my honest opinion, adults making even more noise is far more annoying.

So I believe this will be our last trip to the Old Mill in Delmar. I'm just not Redneck enough for such crap.