
Wicomico Sheriff's Department: Leaks

An Anonymous Comment Came In About The Sheriff's Department

"Well Joe since you decided to post this story, how about you write a story about how sheriff's deputies are pissed because Mike Lewis is letting Jason Chance come back to work after all of his comments he made back during the whole Davis Ruark incident. Where is that story Joe???? I thought you were supposed to expose all that was corrupt in the city and county? Didn't Mike Lewis make the comment that one his deputies would be fired no questions asked. Grow some Joe and post a story about that!!!!! But you won't because you're all buddy buddy with Mike and god forbid you get on his bad side." The "story" they're referring to is the Gordy story.

Let me answer that question point blank for you. The Officer you mention was suspended WITH PAY! This Officer was bragging to EVERYONE about how he was out ENJOYINGhis paid time off surfing at the Beach and all sorts of other activities AT THE TAXPAYERS EXPENSE!

Sheriff Lewis got wind of this going on and made a fiscally responsible decision to get his a$$ back to work pushing paper because this Officer was smacking everyone in the face and laughing at them.

My hat is tipped to Sheriff Lewis for making such a responsible decision and if ANY of the Officers, (as you claim) are pissed off because Sheriff Lewis brought him back, they need to look for work elsewhere.

Now get back to work Lordy!

1 comment:

This site is for the targets of the monster in Delmar. We will tolerate no negative personal attacks on any of them. If you want to comment to support them, that is welcome. You may not like all of them but that is not the point. The point is to show the malice and evil the monster has done and to collectively support his random targets. No gossip and no unkind words regarding any of these people will be published. The one exception of course, is the monster himself.