Is Shanie Shields That Stupid?
Upset by a recent veto from Mayor Jim Ireton, Shields said Thursday's inaction on the property acquisition demonstrates a lack of commitment to Salisbury's West Side. (stated in today's Daily Times)
Excuse me Shanie but please explain this one to me. Let's just say the City bought this piece of property. Do you think one of your constituents would be willing to buy it back from the City after is has been improved?
Are you that simple minded that you cannot clearly see that the West Side of Salisbury is the future of Salisbury, in which they are slowly pushing out your constituents, (INCLUDING YOU OUT OF YOUR OWN HOME).
Shanie throwing a fit over something like this clearly shows her ignorance. She should be more concerned with the overgrown weeds and upkeep on other properties on the West Side. Shanie said, "It shouldn't be no where in this city or this county,"
Hey, Shanie, here's a suggestion to you. IF that property is so overgrown with weeds and so forth, why not contact Tom Stevenson and have him WRITE THEM UP???? Fine these people until they finally get it! If they refuse to groom the property, why not have Public Works do it and place a lien against the property. Who knows, maybe you'll end up with it for FREE anyway.
Many have stated that Shanie Shields is getting a special deal on a rental property from one of the local Slumlords and IMHO seems to vote in favor of everything questioning special interests in the City.
Shanie, if your people actually cared, they would have never voted for you in the first place, get a grip. The only person you're concerned about is the former Mayor of Salisbury. You know, the one that still controlls three out of the five City Council Members.
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