
Bill Gordy

Making the Albero "Hit List" Making Albero's hit list, is Bill Gordy.

"I will get rid of John Jacobs, Jim Rapp, Carrie Samis, Dan Ciancitto, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, Barrie Tilghman and eventually David See and Bill Gordy. HOW AM I DOING SO FAR FOLKS? David See just announced he'll be retiring in June and the ONLY one left is that spending freak Bill Gordy." - Joe Albero

Gordy was not only a target but the subject of many rumors.

Just ANOTHER LIE From The Salisbury Fire Department

Just as we thought, the new $40,000.00 Salisbury Fire Department Chase Vehicle with the Police Package on it was handed over to Bill Gordy yesterday. The LIES about it being ordered for Hoppes was just that, a lie.
Gordy received a new vehicle just over a year ago but while Mayor Tilghman and Gary Comegys have been on a massive spending spree, (no doubt a gift for Gordy's work on the new Fire Station) the kickbacks are flying in. Mike Dunn gets a new job, (should Comegys win the election) and I'm sure there's something lined up out there for the former Mayor as well.
So there you have it Folks. Even though Firefighters were trying to sell everyone on the fact that this vehicle was for someone else, keep your eyes and cell phone cameras out for this new vehicle and the driver behind the wheel. These guys couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended on it. And you wonder why I personally think See & Gordo are scumbags. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a liar.


What are citizens to do when their elected officials play games and attempt to cover up serious matters. The Salisbury Fire Department has been notorious for playing politics and getting their way time and time again.

It goes back to Bill Gordy and the days when a new Deputy Fire Chief was being selected. Gordy was completely dropped from the list of applicants, yet the former Mayor Tilghman, (out of nowhere) put him back on the list and out of nowhere he was selected to become the new Deputy Fire Chief. Again, he was removed from the list and then put back in and ultimately got the job.


  1. Don't forget all the attacks on his son as well

  2. Do you have links or information?


This site is for the targets of the monster in Delmar. We will tolerate no negative personal attacks on any of them. If you want to comment to support them, that is welcome. You may not like all of them but that is not the point. The point is to show the malice and evil the monster has done and to collectively support his random targets. No gossip and no unkind words regarding any of these people will be published. The one exception of course, is the monster himself.