
please make your reader aware of the following incorrect information that was released today. Today around 12:45 pm WQMR 101.1 POWERTALK Radio hosted by Jack and Kevin released false information regarding (my niece) SarahFoxwell's grave being vandalized again.
This is how the conversation transpired. They were discussing the safety of the Ocean City Boardwalk as far as pedophiles. They stated it is relative safe but you never know when there could be a Thomas Leggs around. DJ Jack said "The little girl that was found killed on Christmas Day, Sarah Foxwell, her grave site was desecrated again for the second time in the last day or so." The second DJ Kevin said "I did not even know about the first time". Then Jack said "This is a despicable act". After receiving numerous phone calls regarding this I called the radio stations. I was told that theDJ's in question only read the AP release from WMDT. Here is the release from WMDT totally different information.
Foxwell's Grave Vandalized Terrence Lee - 07/01/2010
SALISBURY, Md. - Police in Wicomico County are still looking for suspects who vandalized Sarah Foxwell's grave. Officials say earlier this month, Sarah's mother found the bottom portion of the grave badly damaged.The Sheriff's Office tells us they still believe it was not a random act and that someone singled out Sarah's grave. If you know anything, police are urging you to call 410-548-4891.
I am shocked and appalled that they would misrepresent information regarding this horrible tragedy. I have come to learn that the 2 DJ's are the President and Vice President of this station.
I am enclosing their contact information, I think we (as a community) should tell these gentlemen (I use the word lightly) How the Death of Our Christmas Angel changed all of us.
Jack Gillen
President & General Manager
Kevin Bresnahan
Vice President & Business Manager
Tracey Powell
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This site is for the targets of the monster in Delmar. We will tolerate no negative personal attacks on any of them. If you want to comment to support them, that is welcome. You may not like all of them but that is not the point. The point is to show the malice and evil the monster has done and to collectively support his random targets. No gossip and no unkind words regarding any of these people will be published. The one exception of course, is the monster himself.