Two Sentz No Longer With Salisbury News
Going out with a BANG without letting us know ahead of time was abusive, (IMO) as I had just had it out with Sentz a week earlier for his rants. In fact, I had removed him as a Contributor but he apologized and we reinstated him with a clear understanding this wouldn't happen again.
I do not have time to play games as I opened the door for the "other side" to reach a much larger audience here on Salisbury News, as long as it was civil. In the past week this was not respected and to create Posts just to go out with a BANG once again broke my trust once again in him.
That being said, we are parting our ways civilly and respectfully.
This just in from Sentz:
"Dear Readers,
I have decided to bring my time here to an end. This will please many of you. It might also upset a few. I want to thank Joe for his hospitality and the opportunity. It has been a real pleasure as well as very eye opening experience. I wish you all the very best of luck in all that you do.
Two Sentz"

some of us tried to tell him he had gone a little batcrap. Glad he could finally shoot himself in the foot in front of the whole town.

Too Dense will NOT be missed!!!


He was a loser, why did you even bother, Joe?

Funny how none if these thoughts come out when Joe is a "friend".
True friends don't
Thought this site was about opinions too?!?
Joe, you act like your posts and opinions are of the majority! Far from the truth!

Somebody must of sold him some really good chronic, 2/hits=2/cents go whacko.

Hey Jonathan:
Here comes a live one.

This is for 10:28 and a few others on here. I think it's easy to tell by the huge popularity of this site that Joe's opinions ARE the same as the majority in our area.
You guys who still believe having 'the chosen one' as our commamder in chief is a good thing obviously have your head in the sand! Stop watching MSNBC and bama's butt kissing imbeciles on there and take a look for yourself. This country has gone downhill financially and morally since January and it's only getting worse. Be intelligent enough and courageous enough to look at things with an open mind and face the truth...we're getting 'change' alright, BAD change!!

Oh well , it takes all kinds of
people to make a population.
Never paid too much attention to
his posts anyway. I'm very republican and very , very militant.Won't tell you what my thoughts are about this butt-head.

Why do people assume he's going to join JT's scum blog? Those two hate each other as much as JT and Joe do. FUJT!

Good Riddance!

Good move. While I don't mind others opinions I did not like the fact he just liked to stir the pot and sit back and laugh. He even admitted he like doing that. I stopped commenting on all his posts weeks ago, just for that reason.

I'm a hard core Republican and disagreed 99 percent of the time with No Sentz but he certainly made it interesting. I do admit he did leave with some absurdity but he at least thanked for being part.

So lame... Sentz could easily create another account and Joe would approve the comments. (Not that ANON wouldn't work also).
But he could create a "JoeIsGod" blogger account and Joe would make him a moderator again.
You act like Joe knows who every blogger account or Anon comment is!

1) Get rid of Two Cents?: CHECK
2) Get rid of Sunny in OC:
Looks like you got something to do, Joe!

As a conservative, I always try to look at other's opionions. I will watch CNN every once in awhile instead of FOX. Two Sentz has not been a very good contributor to this site and quite frankly was getting annoying lately. Instead of trying to bash the republicans such as Palin on every post he should have contributed by posting articles that supports Obama's policies. Maybe if he did I might just find something I like about Obama. I doubt it but its worth a try. I hope Joe can find another contributor with liberal views

Funny how Two Sentz leaves this site as a contributor on the same day that the grinch starts comments on Two Sentz's blog. Then again, I tried to warn Joe that Sentz was probably playing both Joe and JT a while ago.
Apparently, Two Sentz didn't get the memo that the split was amicable - his recent post "Open Thread: Post your censored SBYnews comments here. Tell us why you think you were rejected" doesn't seem that the parting was very friendly.

C-ya! Wouldn't wanna B-ya!

There is a God!!
Now I can come back here to SBYNews more frequently.
I may even make it my home page.
Two-sentz was nothing more than a two-bit blog thug whom will most definitely not be missed by me.
Thanks Joe, because I was close to never coming here again.

Anonymous said...
who is two sentz?
6:44 PM
Melanie Perreault. Doesn't sound like a him or a his to me. Fooled you guys even the owner of this blog. LMAO

Sorry, not true! Two Sentz was definitely a guy the last time I saw him!

I will give you six months and your done.

Two Sents, man, woman or whatever, is a proven knee-jerk liberal. His or her views are consistantly at odds with truth, justice, our constitution and the transcendent ideals proposed in our Declaration of Independence.
He or she certainly has the right to hold and express these knee-jerk opinions, but they will not be missed by right thinking readers.
A knee-jerk liberal is just as useless or even dangerous to the dialogue about the future direction of our nation as a knee-jerk reactionary!
Thomas Augustus Littleton - Bob Taylor.