What's Wrong With This Picture?

Look, I don't want people going off on me thinking I'm on the attack against handicapped people, because I'm not.
However, a brand new $70,000.00 Duly Truck with Handicapped Tags? Do you think this guy just can't fit into a normal parking spot and needs the open space of a closer and wider place to park their vehicle?
I can see a wheelchair lift vehicle. I can see a seriously injured person needing the use of such a tag but a Duly tells a whole different story.
Sorry folks but this is abusing the system. Why do I get the feeling this post will be like Jay Lenno making a crack about cats and getting a million letters stating he's such a bad person? Let's see how this one turns out?
So let me get this straight Joe:
ReplyDeleteA) You're not attacking handicapped people, right? Because you kinda just dedicated an entire post to attacking handicapped people....
B) The type of car a person chooses to drive can reveal their entire life story? Game on. In a recent brag (correction: blog) post, you boasted about the little blue prius you bought...in true Joe logic, one would deduce that anyone driving a little blue Prius has a little blue P***s.
C) Finally, I'd consider every breath you take an abuse of the system before I would even fathom publically attacking some dude that I know nothing about and has done nothing to me.