Angeline Harvey On The Warpath
Whom It May Concern,,,,I am writing you concerning your advertisement on I'm not inquiring about the service you provide, quite the opposite actually. If you will be so kind as to click the link I have provided you will find the latest in a long line of distasteful posts made on this website. I'm sorry but I find nothing humorous about depicting a man with cancer as a ?walking corpse?. This is appalling and your paid advertisement is sending a clear message to me as well as many other consumers that you approve of this website's material. Therefore, do not
expect me or anyone else with morals to patronize your business as long as you continue to support this garbage.,,,Angeline Harvey
It is funny that they are complaining, yet they read your web site. I guess someone is holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to navigate to your web site and read the entire thing word for word. Those poor souls!
"I recieved a call this morning from a gentleman, who I later learned was Tom from The Delmar XXXXX.
Tom then asked me "don't you advertise on Salisbury News Blog?" I replied yes I do. He then proceded to tell me that Joe had wished that Mr Comegy
I didn't know who this guy was that I was talking to, but later found out that he was the same guy along with his wife or girlfriend (I am not sure of their relationship status) that had wished little Brooke dead, or to just let her go ahead and die.
Tom asked would I like him to send me the link for the article he was referring to on Salisbury News and I said yes. He abuptly hung up then. I recieved the e-mail and that is when I found out his name and that he was from The Delmar XXXXX. I read the article and nowhere did I see that Joe had wished anyone dead.
The point of me writing is to let people know that yes, I advertise on Salisbury news. I don't always agree with what Joe posts'. That is called being human. I do not and will not pull my advertising because someone tries to threaten, coerce, or affect our business with their outrageous behavior.
For the record, if you are reading this Tom, I won't miss your business, as you have never been our customer, so no effecting me there. I will not be intimidated."
EDITOR: Jonathan Taylor put up a Post today stating all of the phone calls were working and that many of our advertisers stated they'd be removing their ads soon. I have not been to Taylor's Site but let me assure you, not ONE of our advertisers has complained. In fact, most of them have agreed with my intent of that Post. I never wished Gary Comegys dead and the final message is exactly correct, Tom McGuire and his sick Girlfriend/Wife were in fact the couple who openly in a letter wished Broke Mulford dead.
Mr. Taylor needs to recognize that his lies will always come back and haunt him. He regularly makes statements, (especially about me personally) that are complete and utter lies. That goes for Tom McGuire as well. Tom, I have never been CONVICTED of anything in my life. That's OK though, you're just too stupid, (stooped, as Tom would spell it) to research anything. Folks, while I'm sure those of you who visit those Sites wonder just how my Wife and I deal with such hatred from such sick people, who cares. They have said some of the worse things I have ever read on the Internet. Heck, anywhere, for that matter. However, who's sicker? The author of such lies or the people going there every day reading their hate? We choose to ignore them, so should you.
To my Advertisers. If you receive a call or e-mail from these people, please ask them if THEY have rung the bell for the Salvation Army this year or last year. Ask them what THEY are doing to give back to our community. Taylor is so desperate for an advertiser he will say and do anything in the hopes people will now like him. "Ill never run national articles on my site." The next day, national articles everywhere. "I'll never mention Joe Albero again." The next day, Joe Albero this and that.
Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, Gary Comegys, Shanie Shields and so many more like them have gone to incredible extremes to shut Salisbury News down. They use people like Taylor and McGuire to spread their hate and tell lies about me and my Wife, (including our Grandson) in the hopes we'll go away. We are here for the community. We are here to give back and make the Eastern Shore a better place to live and raise our Families.
If you'd like to run an ad with Salisbury News its very simple. Our rate is $100.00 a month for the ads you see on either side. You can send the artwork to along with a link to your Website and a physical address to send the billing. Wasting your money anywhere else is just foolish. We reach the biggest local audience than anyone else out there. If you want to reach a national audience then by all means contact the Daily Times. Salisbury News has no interest outside the Eastern Shore.
14,000 articles?? More like best. The only "articles" Albero and G.A. actually write are rants about the poor locals they decided to hate from week to week. The rest of the articles are copied and pasted. They are the work of 49 other writers- of 49 better writers- and he puts them up every single morning. And then he claims to get the news to us faster...faster then who? The Post, The Sun, The Economist? That's where he got them from- legitimate news sites who published them first. The other day he copied and pasted an article from the Times with no quotes, no citations, and no link. Do you know what that is Joe? That's plagiarism. Why you have not gone to jail for that alone yet, is a mystery. Advertisers should know that they are putting their business cards up next to STOLEN WORK, which looks extremely unprofessional.