
Sarah Foxwell

What has NOT and can NOT be said in any major publication, nor am I willing to ever repeat what Joe Albero put in print for all the world to see, were the lurid, vile details about Sarah Foxwell's last hours on earth. He learned that information at the Thomas Leggs hearing and rushed home to put those details in in print. Why? Because he has no compassion for the memory of a kidnapped, raped and murdered child, nor one scintilla, of empathy for her family, still caught up in daily grief. If you can believe this, he is driven to accumulate (hits) a count of people visiting his site. He touts it as the reason local businesses choose to advertise with him. Everybody that I know refuses to do business will anyone that willingly, knowingly, and financially support his choices.

Albero also claimed he paid for the child's funeral, which he did not.

He claimed he knew when and where Sarah's body was found, a day before she was found.

He continued to what many would consider, obstruct justice, and harassed everyone prior to the Legg's sentencing to try to get a different outcome.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just copy the link above of the main url (http://joealberosvictims.blogspot.com/) and put it on your FB page until we get all the gadgets in place.

  3. I don't even know where to start.
    Do you want screen shots of his beyond comments from his Monster Made Comment Machine, or do you want candid commentary in chronological order?

    Let's not forget Christine Sheddy and Outraged Richard... Joe sent me a terrible email about her, and while he campaigning for Jim Ireton, The Outraged One posted Jims escapades in Rehobeth and running from the cops. He called everyone and asked for his address aaying he was going after him for saying such things.

  4. Whatever you think is best to show what he has done.

    Also can you email me the letter regarding Christine Sheddy?...or just add it to the post.

  5. It is a comment that was left on my blog, that I never posted...just a one liner, but evil nonetheless.

  6. Just to differentiate this blog from Albero's (and others!) could you please run your text through a spellchecker before publishing it? (Scintilla, not "centilla!")


    Joe H.
    Stevensville, MD

  7. Good point. A lot of it was put up in haste and needs some cleaning up.

  8. MONSTER ALBERO'S LATEST THREAT TO THE FAMILY POSTED TODAY 4/12/2011 AT 4:48 PM: Out of respect, (for now) for the Family I have chosen to stay silent. However, believe me, there may come a time in which I will say my peace and if certain Family Members keep doing what they're trying to do, that time may come sooner than anyone thinks and that won't be good for a LOT of people.

    The MONSTER does admit that he is not on good terms with Mike Lewis at this point.


This site is for the targets of the monster in Delmar. We will tolerate no negative personal attacks on any of them. If you want to comment to support them, that is welcome. You may not like all of them but that is not the point. The point is to show the malice and evil the monster has done and to collectively support his random targets. No gossip and no unkind words regarding any of these people will be published. The one exception of course, is the monster himself.