
Dr. Jose Alverado

When Dr. Alverado had a tragic car accident that eventually ended his life, Albero first claimed he had a direct line to the hospital and knew exactly what was happening in the after math of the accident. Falsely claimed he had the "inside scoop" from family members as to his condition and then had the audacity to pronounce the good doctor dead, before he actually expired, so he could have the "Breakking News".

1 comment:

This site is for the targets of the monster in Delmar. We will tolerate no negative personal attacks on any of them. If you want to comment to support them, that is welcome. You may not like all of them but that is not the point. The point is to show the malice and evil the monster has done and to collectively support his random targets. No gossip and no unkind words regarding any of these people will be published. The one exception of course, is the monster himself.