There is a RUMOR on the street that allegedly Doug Church and Brad Gillis were in an accident this morning, (could have been last night) where the flipped Brad's brand new BMW on Pemberton Drive.
- Just when did the accident that didn't take place actually occur, who was driving (drunk-?)?
- Were they out on a date?
- joealbero said... It could very well be. If that's how they get their rocks off, so be it. Seems to me, (should that have been the case, as you claim) they have a very vindictive behavior that could have been driven by someone higher up, if you get my drift?
- OMG the body language of Dougie Church. Seriously, is he having a hissy fit with his hands on his hips? If it walks like a duck---if you think they are, THEY ARE.
June 19, 2009 When Urban Salisbury was having their final meeting, thinking they were no longer going to be around, "I" brought up the Disney Concept. I don't know where Brad Gillis became recognized for such, (he was in the same meeting) but I explained to everyone just how Disney created Disney Land and Disney World.